Thursday, June 14, 2012

Say Goodnight to Liberty

            First they came for the smokers, and I said nothing.  Then they came for the trans-fat, and again I said nothing.  They came for the 16oz sodas, and I sat silent. Finally they came for the popcorn and the milk, and I said enough!

            It seems that the Mayor of New York wants to become “Nanny in Chief.”   Is his goal to make the “Big Apple” the “Small Apple?”  If I choose to move to NYC, why can’t I be a French fry eating, soda slurping, chain smoking, fat slob?  Perhaps the Mayor would like to check my underwear and see if I’ve changed it? Of course that is the TSA’s job, but hell, given the current state of our federal, state, and local governments. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind joining together to limit our freedoms even further.

            The belief that the government cares for us is slowly smothering our individual freedoms.  We need to be safe in our cars, so seatbelt laws are passed.  Shortly after, seat belt check points appear, and we willingly submit. No one supports drunk driving, so in an effort to show our opposition to drunk drivers, we allow drunk driving task forces to set up and stop cars.  Do either of these stops passed 4th Amendment scrutiny? No, but the courts allow them.  Why? Obviously our safety outweighs our liberties.

            It has been rumored that to make air travel more palatable, stripper poles and roofies will be installed and distributed to make the invasive searches more fun.  These subtle changes may also increase the membership in the Mile High Club.  Of course, as sex can be dangerous there may be limitations on its use in the future.  I mean sexually transmitted diseases can cause great harm to a person, and be a danger to others, as can an unwanted pregnancies or an abortion.  

            Perhaps if the government could regulate sexual activity, maybe limiting it to once a week, with a condom, on a Sunday between the hours of 9-10pm in a sterile room provided by a state approved agency.  This would allow for a sex check points where individuals could be identified (Your papers please), screened for diseases and condoms.  The beauty of this system would be that the government could make sure that only government approved couples and sex acts could be performed.  This system could be regulated to help control the population.  For example there could be sex rooms and procreation rooms, with stiff fines if a couple uses the room for an improper purpose, say using the procreation room for just pleasurable sex, not creating a life.

            Once the government let us know what we can eat and drink; what kind of light bulbs we can use, how much water can be in our toilets, where we can live, or how we can travel; who we can marry, with who, and how, we can have sex, we will be totally free.

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